Things to know when organizing a vacation

Travel with the dog

The holidays are getting closer and it is necessary to think about our four-legged friend. As of today, there are many structures who are arranged to host our animals but it’s important to always have presence of mind.
If you decide to spend your holidays with your dog, it’s important to make sure that the destination is fit to host it. If you decide to go to the sea or to a lake, chose the beaches where your dog is allowed to enter, it is easier if you go to the mountain, where your four-legged friend will be very happy to join you in long walks. Another important point to be considered are the means of transport. If you move by car you need to place an internal divider so that the animal won’t create any distraction while you are driving, you can also let it stay on the back seats. Also consider the chance that your dog may suffer from car sickness, especially if it’s not used to travelling by car. Your veterinary can prescribe you a specific medicine.
If you travel by train, it’s necessary to keep your dog on a leash and in some cases make it wear a muzzle. Inform about the fares because our four-legged friends have to be equipped with ticket. In airplane the situation is a bit more complex: the little sized animals can travel in their carrier and are allowed to travel with their owner. The bigger animals may fly in the cargo hold, but keep in mind this is not allowed by all airlines… maybe in this case it’s better to place your animal in some kennel, at your return you will find it relaxed and happy to see you!

Gruppo Manara